In the process of the retail improving , RFID tag has become an important support for retailers to compete in the full channel environment and the cornerstone of the retail Internet of things. KIMLIFEI JEWELRY have adopted RFID jewelry tag which is made from Shenzhen zhongyuanda Smartech Co. Ltd(we called ZYDRFID), to solve a lot of problems such as jewelry inventory and anti-theft, and improve the jewelry chain supply chain greatly. ZYDRFID retail solution quotes RFID technology to help more than 1 thousand of the world's retail shores to solve the time-consuming problem of inventory, the important role is rise sales maximization and convenient for consumers. To understanding the RFID tag in the retail solutions for leading tomorrow is very important.
IDC retail report said: "RFID technology is applied to the products, improve sales and inventory effect and reduce lossing, it is still , the most widely used case before 2020, there will be 20 billion products stuck RFID tag each year." Using RFID tag cases showed that it can improve the stocks situation exactly.
So more and more retailers, such as fashion, shoes retailers, has been using RFID tag to instead of barcode label. and RFID will be a feasible and necessary technology. In the past 12 to 15 months we can see how RFID technology developed in retail,the main points of the report include:
RFID trial project time is shorter -- from a few months to a few weeks
Expansion of trials - the store up to 10 times
Deploying faster - from the pilot to the overall deployment of less
More product categories to deploy RFID - not limited to the basic can be added
Return on investment to speed up - from the expansion and has been proven RFID use cases
The latest "Kurt Salmon RFID Retail Report" survey of 50 American leading textile retailers, the report said, RFID users found in the calculation of the investment return, some cases of gross margin increased more than 5%. With the use of these stores RFID tags tend to saturation, second alternative examples become feasible. In fact, 42% of the respondents reported that by applying RFID to the whole channel, gross margin increased by 1% to more than 5%. 60% of respondents reported that by using RFID to improve the accuracy of the inventory of shopping malls, gross margin also increased by 1% to 5% or more.
"RFID has become an important foundation for success in today's retails," said Dali the president and CEO of ZYDRFID. With an effective case and a proven return on investment, the use of RFID core technology solutions is accelerating the development of the world. We will continue to focus on R & D and production RFID tags, to create value for more and more retailers worldwide, and continue to support RFID tags for the application development of in the Internet of things."