With the continuous development of domestic logistics industry, the enterprise is facing more and mo···
【Industry insight】RFID warehouse management in the supply ch
In the modern enterprise, the enterprise inventory is to be seen as an important driving factor in s···
Food safety traceability system construction is difficult?
Nowadays when it comes to food safety issues, traceability is a hot word. 18 the third plenary sessi···
RFID Application field
RFID application field is quite extensive 1、 Logistics : The cargo tracking in the process of logist···
【Technical analysis】Using RFID technology of circuit, a vehi
RFID technology is widely used in the market. In foreign countries, the radio frequency tag is widel···
Rémy Martin to launch NFC bottle in China for authentication
COGN-APP: Tappinga Remy Martintagwith an NFC phone will show ifbottleis genuine French spirits brand···